Emergency Action Plan

At both Loch of Skene (club room) and Stonehaven club house (Bottom of stairs) an Emergency Action plan wall chart can be found. In both galleys a special folder can be found that contains details in case there is a major emergency, including an instruction plan, contact details, witness statements, pens etc.

First Response

Officer of the Day or Senior Instructor will take charge and inform appropriate emergency services by phone

Count heads first!
Make sure everyone is accounted for.
People first, property later.

To get an ambulance by giving the post code on the flow chart to Loch Skene is to use a mobile phone either on the lake or in the car park. At Stonehaven call coast guard (channel 16) or call 999.

The fire meeting point is at the car park (Skene) / dinghy park (Stonehaven).

If a sailor / boat appears to be unaccounted for:

  • Inform the other instructors/ OOD & AOOD to do one more check for boat / sailor on land.
  • At the same time rescue boats with VHF’s should be sent out to the last known sailing area.
  • If unsuccessful, and call the Coastguard (if the situation is at Stonehaven), Channel 16 or call 999 and then contact ASYC committee if not present
  • Work out a search plan considering the last known position of boat by counting seconds using an expanding square around last known position.
  • Utilize a search coordinator on the beach to deplay all available RIBs.
  • Search leeward shores in case the dinghy has taken sails down and drifted ashore.

ONGOING Major Incident

A Major Incident is an event where there is Loss of life, a serious injury (requiring hospitalisation) or there is substantial damage to property and/or the environment.

The decision to contact 999 or the coastguard should rest with the person in charge of the event e.g. OOD or the Senior Instructor .

Contact the Commodore or a committee member after dealing with the initial emergency - all contact details are in the emergency pack in the club galley

If an injured person has been taken to hospital their next of kin should be informed ASAP.

In the case of a death the incident will be handled by the police. Ask the police if they wish a member of the club to assist especially if they are known to the casualty’s family.

In all cases the RYA should be informed of a serious incident or death.

Note: Once the Coastguard are involved they MAY take control of the incident and allocate additional resources such as helicopters and lifeboats. All requests and instructions should be acted on ASAP to assist in their efforts.