
Join Us...

ASYC always enjoys welcoming new members, whether your interest is serious competitive racing, progression into racing, more relaxed cruising, or beginner lessons for younger sailors. Our club is over 200 members strong of which nearly half are under 18.

If you would like to join Aberdeen & Stonehaven Yacht Club, please read the information pack and complete the membership application form.


In summary the membership year runs from 1 January to 31 December but you are welcome to join at any time during the year. All adult sailing members are expected to help with racing support duties at least three times per year as the club cannot run without this support.

Class Cost Adults Students / Juniors Duties
Full £145 1 sailing - 3
Full Family £280 2 sailing +Children* 6
Restricted Family £180 1 sailing + 1 social +Children* 3
Junior (under 18) £45 - 1 under 16: none
over 16: 2
Student (18-23 in full time education) £45 - 1 2
Social £40 1 non-sailing - none

*children means under 18s (Juniors) and any student under the age of 24 and in full-time education

Are you interested in joining and want to find out more? email

What can we offer you


We are very unusual for having two venues that we sail at. From beginning of March till the end of May we sail at Loch Skene near Westhill where our club house is a gatehouse with tower and portcullis. The entire club, boats, sailors and ribs then move to our fabulous club house at Stonehaven harbour where we sail till the end of November.


There is regular club racing from the beginning of March until end November. From April until mid September we also race on Wednesday evenings and have more relaxed racing on Saturday afternoons. Club boats can be hired for these sessions. Dates for these can be found in our diary on the home page.


After sailing on Wednesday nights we usually get together for a meal.. After sailing on Sunday we also share tea and cake. At least once a month we aim to hold social events such as Ceilidh, quizzes, films and talks on sailing exploits over the winter and BBQs over the summer. Check out our diary and facebook streams for upcoming events.


ASYC has a hugely popular and active Junior sailing program. We offer one set of 9 lessons a year between Easter and the Summer holidays, a Junior regatta and a Junior summer week in August. Our more experienced Junior sailors are encouraged to join in with club racing and many take qualifications to become sailing instructors. We have recently become a full Duke of Edinburgh centre.. We are RYA certified and hand out certificates regularly. Check out our Junior section for more information.


ASYC don’t offer adult lessons. However we work very closely with the charity Aberdeenshire Sailing Trust who offer sailing lessons for beginner adult sailors (as well as many other types of sessions). In the spring from April to the end of June they teach at Loch of Skene and they share the clubhouse with us there.

Among our membership we have many experienced sailors who gladly pass on some of their knowledge. These special sessions will be advertised on our facebook stream and are listed in the diary too.


For the less experienced sailors we offer coached sailing sessions with short races. These run in conjunction with Aberdeenshire Sailing Trust at Loch of Skene on Monday nights from mid April. Once in Stonehaven these change to Tuesday nights until early September and the Saturdays run until end September. These sessions are open to all who can get around a course and very popular with families and young sailors.


The best safety boat cover needs experienced and trained drivers. Several times a year we offer RYA Powerboat Level 2 and RYA Safetyboat courses. These certificates are restricted to club members only and we ask participants to committ to an additional 3 safety boat duties in exchange for a very low course price.